Christmas Concerts “The best yet!”

We have been very humbled by the response to our latest Joseph Rowntree concerts, which we have been told were “our best yet!”. Every year the bands of the Shepherd Group put on Gala Christmas Concerts at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York, and every year they are very successful and always sell out.

This was also the very first performance of our latest ensemble and absolute beginners, Brass Roots, who played as the audience were arriving. Brass Roots has been founded to accommodate absolute beginners in their first few months of learning and teach them the basics of notation and playing in a small-ensemble setting before entering the Academy Band.

MD Richard Wilton commented:

“I had a five year plan for when I joined the band as to where I saw the organisation going, and it has been completely blown out of the water! We now have over 150 members, 5 bands and some of the most passionate and dedicated brass players around.”

Grand Finale

Every year we conclude our concerts with a massed bands finale and every year these are getting more and more elaborate. This year we concluded with the bands playing the “Hallelujah Chorus” accompanied by the “Silent Monks of Tang Hall”….. Please check out our full video of the finale, which went down a storm with the croud!


The funds raised from these concerts are so important for the band, as they allow us to carry on progressing our youth programme, purchase new instruments, pay for extra tutors and keep our music library up-to-date. However, we are so lucky as a band that we are in such a stable financial position and we have therefore decided to donate our retiring collection to charity. Across the two nights our audiences donated a total of £516, which will be split between York Against Cancer and Brass for Africa.

We have a busy schedule for concerts for 2017, which will be available, so keep checking our Events page.

Youth band dazzle as they switch on the lights

Last night our Youth Band were lucky enough to join the Lord Mayor, Radio York and the cast of the Theatre Royal Pantomime to switch on the Christmas Lights in St Helen’s Square.

The switching on of the lights, organised by York City Council, has become a huge event over the last few years, attracting large crowds from all over the city. Last night was no exception as hundreds of people braved the elements to see the annual spectacle. The Youth Band played a number of carols and famous Christmas songs and held the crowd around for long after the actual lights had been switched on.


Youth Band MD Craig Brown commented:   

“It’s a such a great opportunity for the kids to get to play in front of such a big audience and for such a well respected event. It’s an event that a lot of people film and remember so it’s a really fantastic chance to showcase exactly what they can do.”

Find out where else you can see our Youth Band by visiting our events page.

Shepherds Team Up With Acoustic Percussion

The band is proud to announce the launch of a new partnership with highly regarded specialist percussion brand Acoustic Percussion. This alliance started earlier this year after the company supplied a large number of mallets and sticks to the band in order to help bring more young percussionists into the organisation.

The bands percussion Tutor Alan Drever-Smith commented:

“We are thrilled to have access to such an excellent range of mallets, which our budding percussion students love to use.”


Since starting the partnership Alan has had the resources at his disposal to expand the percussion sections of both the Academy and Youth Bands. This means that the organisation now has several new budding percussionists that will hopefully move up into the Concert and Senior Bands. The extra equipment has even meant that Alan has been able to run a highly successful “Percussion Masterclass” in order to further recruit new members.

Acoustic Percussion source only the finest materials from all over the globe to produce their equipment and the brand is well known for producing extremely high quality and balanced kit. The bands are very excited about the partnership and believe it will greatly help the aspiring percussionists of the organisation.

Hardraw Scar 2016

Last Sunday our Concert Band competed at the Hardraw Scar Entertainment Contest in Hawes. It was an absolutely beautiful day and the whole band was really excited to be back playing at one of their favourite competitions. Hardraw has been a staple feature of the Concert Band calendar for many years now and it was very disappointing for the band not to play at it last year due to oversubscription – so this year they were back with a vengeance.

As usual MD Mike Pratt put together a fantastic programme, which due to his infectious energy went down brilliantly with the audience. The programme featured the march “Imperial Echoes”, the beautiful cornet solo “Share my Yoke”, played beautifully by Emily Smith and the pop classic “My Way”. Their programme also featured a great new arrangement of the hymn tune Nearer my God to Thee, for which the band actually won the prize for best hymn – a huge achievement!

The band were absolutely delighted with how the performance on the day went and were even more delighted when they were awarded 3rd prize in their section!

The old Bandstand

A Piggin’ (no G) great night out!

Hot on the heels (or should that be trotters! ) of our marvellous Parliament Street performances on the afternoon of July 1st , the Band organisation held a pig racing evening at Acomb Conservative Club to raise money for the many contesting ventures that we are undertaking 2017.

And what a great evening it was!The club was packed with band members, band supporters and club members all keen to have a little flutter on the piggies.

Dave Cussons, The Pig Man, was our genial host for the evening and he made sure that everyone understood how the betting and racing worked and ensured that everyone had a really good time.I think the sight of Richard Wilton jumping up and down, cheering on the piggies he had backed will live long in our memories.

A special mention must go to Kim and Shane for the lovely pie and pea supper they provided.

All in all a fantastic evening!If you weren’t there you missed a treat and we managed to raise a whopping £732 for band funds.

Thank you all who sponsored races, bought pigs and turned up on the evening. We are certainly looking to organise a similar evening for next year.

I bet Mike still lost!

Band Golf Competition

Yesterday the band held its first ever Golf Tournament. Despite our lovely sponsors kindly providing us with umbrellas the weather thankfully held out. Lots of members from across our organisation took part, both experienced and inexperienced golfers and a fun day was had by all.

We have quite a few enthusiastic golfers within the organisation so it all got quite competitive but the eventual winner of the afternoon’s 18 hole stableford competition was the band’s fabulous MD Richard Wilton. The winners of the 9 hold Texas scramble in the evening were Charles Wilson and Trevor Walters Thompson.

The day the band went viral!

Last Saturday night our Senior Band performed in their annual concert at the beautiful Selby Abbey. The concert itself was a resounding success and both the audience and band absolutely loved it. The programme was a particular hit and included a suite from Stabat Mater, music from the musical Wicked and the roof raising Fire in the Blood.

Richard Wilton, band MD said:

“I think it was the best concert that I have done throughout my entire six years with the band.”

When it went viral….

Bizarrely though the highlight of the concert was what happened afterwards. One of our regular fans decided to film a few of our pieces, one of which was Phillip Harpers exciting new flugelhorn solo Under the Boardwalk played by Paul Stamp. We had a listen to the video and we were so impressed that we decided to publish it on our social media and it’s safe to say its gone crazy. The video has, in under a week, reached 60,000 people and has been viewed significantly more times than the Cory Band equivalent!!

Paul Stamp, the bands flugelhorn player said:

“I actually can’t believe it, it’s just crazy, so many people keep messaging me, people that I haven’t spoken to in years! I’m absolutely delighted that people like it so much.”

Richard also commented:

“Everyone absolutely gave it their all and the reaction on social media to the video is just brilliant… we’re all buzzing!”

You can view the video below:

Congratualtions to Chloe and Huw

Today our Senior Band was delighted to play at the wedding of Chloe Walsh and Huw Davies. Chloe is the Senior Band’s Second Trombone player and we were thrilled that she asked us to play at her wedding.


The couple married at St Andrew’s Church in Bishopthorpe and it was an absolutely beautiful service.

On behalf of all the members of the Shepherd Group Brass Band we would like to wish them both congratulations and wish them all the luck in the future.

First Prize for the Youth Band

First silverware

This Friday our Youth Band went and competed in their VERY FIRST competition! The band went to the Rothwell Competitive Music Festival and came WON their section, against some very tough competition.

Ready for the off!

The band played in front of a packed out hall and they played absolutely brilliantly. Their programme, picked out by their talented MD Craig Brown, was movie inspired and consisted of:

The 20th Century Fox Theme
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Mission Impossible
Peter Gunn Theme
Eye of the Tiger

The competition in their section was very tough, but the band took command of the evening and played with true drive, determination and, perhaps most importantly, genuine enthusiasm.

Our Youth Band was only founded 5 years ago, so it was a big achievement for the band to even be going to its first competition after such a short space of time! So for them to actually come away champions is such as huge achievement and all of us here at Shepherds are so very very proud of them.

To find out more about joining our Youth Band and learning with us please check out our vacancies page.

Our British Bandsman Photoshoot

Our British Bandsman photoshoot

13th April 2016

Big things are happening here at Shepherds, and we are delighted that the rest of the brass band community is catching on! A few weeks ago the band was lucky enough to welcome down an editor from the internationally published magazine British Bandsman to come write a feature on our organisation.

Negotiations for us having a feature originally started when the Senior Band played at the Bolsover Contest back in October. During the contest a series of interviews took place and the band’s conductor Richard got into a conversation with the magazines editor about all that we do at Shepherds. The editor was simply amazed at the sheer number of players that we have in the organisation and at the sound of our facilities and set up, and he suggested that we would make a perfect feature for the magazine.

So one Monday night we called all five bands together and Paul Hindmarsh from the magazine came down and our sponsors were even kind enough to provide us with a photographer. Whilst down he carried out a series of interviews with Richard Wilton, Craig Brown, Mike Pratt, David Gregg, Samantha Woodman and Imogen Brown to gain a feel of the organisation. Meanwhile each of the five bands carried out a short rehearsal and at the end we gathered everyone together for a big group shot.

It was a great evening all round and we were absolutely delighted when the magazine came out and our own Audrey Brown, former conductor of the Brass Academy, was on the cover.

British Bandsman front cover
Audrey featured on the front cover