Instrument Amnesty

With the increase of new members joining the Brass Academy we are starting to run short of instruments. 

We currently have a substantial list of missing instruments, some of which are still signed out to current and past members. 

This week we will be starting to contact ex players we believe to still have a loaned SGBB instrument. 
If you have more than one instrument at home not being used, or are an ex-member and still have a instrument, please drop off for me at the bandroom or contact me on 07973442249 or email to arrange collection. 

Your help and assistance in this matter would be very much appreciated, let’s keep the sound of Brass Alive at the SGBB organisation.

Spring Festival 2022

The Senior Band made a return visit to Blackpool for the first time since 2019 when the the British Open Spring Festival returned to the contest calendar. The band performed Freedom by Hubert Bath in the Senior Cup after being promoted from the Senior Trophy in the 2019 contest. It seems such a long time ago that happened.

The test piece was originally chosen to mark the 100th spring festival but COVID intervened and the contest was delayed for 2 years. Freedom was originally written for the National Championships of 1922 so playing it in the Senior Cup 100 years later is still quite fitting.

It would have been great to come back with qualifiation for the Grand Shield next year, but the band produced a creditable 12th out of the 20 bands competing and saw a number of well known bands come below them. The result consolidates our place in the Senior Cup and will be something to build on next year.

Vacancies – Flugel Horn Senior Band

Shepherd Group Brass Band Require – A flugelhorn Player.

A Very Rare opportunity has arisen within our North Of England Championship Section Band. The Shepherd Group Band are looking to recruit a FLUGELHORN PLAYER to join the ranks of our friendly band.

We have a sensible concert and contest diary, with the emphasis very much on quality entertaining concerts in a variety of exciting venues.

Our rehearsal facilities are second to none, based in York at the conference centre of the Head Office site of our sponsor, Shepherd Group.

If you would like to find out more about the band, or just have an informal chat please contact our Musical Director Richard Wilton or call 07973442249.

So proud of Imogen.

Imogen being presented with her award at Harroogate Ladies College

The whole organisation are unbelievably proud of SGBB Principal Baritone Imogen Fewster, who recently attended The National Youth Brass Band Of Great Britain’s Easter course. After a seating audition with Euphonium Virtuoso Dr David Thornton, Imogen once again secured the solo Baritone seat. However, she didn’t stop there as she was later in the week awarded the Katie Ogden Euphonium/Baritone prize playing Vassily Brandt’s Concert Piece for trumpet. Imogen will now represent the Euph/Bari section in the concerto final held at the summer course in late July/August, where she will perform Martin Ellerby’s Baritone Concerto. 

The principal players at the easter NYBBGB course

The Easter course was held at Harrogate Ladies College and saw 70 of the best young brass and percussion players in the country attend. 
Well done Imogen.  

If any of our young players are interested in audition details for both the NYBBGB or the NYBB Children’s Band, please speak to Richard or Imogen.

End of term treat

The Shepherd Group Brass Academy end of term concert took place on Monday 4th April.

All three Monday night Academy groups performed at our band HQ in Huntington. The showcase opened with Brass Roots, under the baton of Audrey Brown, before the nearly 50 strong Academy Brass and MD Richard Wilton took the stage. The evening’s entertainment concluded with our highly talented Youth Band and Craig Brown, showcasing their recent Music For Youth set!

For many of our young players, the evening provided their very first public performance to over 100 enthusiastic parents, carers and families.Huge quantities of coffee, cake and juice were consumed afterwards and rounded off a fantastic end to a simply amazing, if not a challenging, term for the SGBBA

North of England Championships 2022

The Senior Band made the trip up to the Gala Theatre in Durham to take part in the Regional Championships on March 20th.

The test piece was the challenging Contest Music by Wilfred Heaton. This is a piece that looks deceptively simple when you first see it but which takes no prisoners and has ttraps for the unwary.

Frustratingly the band were placed 6th yet again, this is becoming a habit! However, the trip didn’t see us come away empty handed as the bass section were awarded the trophy for best basses on the day, something they have been very reluctant to mention since.

Joint Concert Success

What a fantastic night with both our Senior and Youth bands performing at the brand new York St John University Creative Centre. The Youth band ran out their pieces ready for Music for Youth Regional Festival, whilst Seniors previewed Wilfred Heaton’s ‘Contest Music’ in preparation for next weeks North of England Brass Band Championships. We closed the concert with a massed band rendition of the Ukrainian State Anthem, which received a poignant and unanimous standing ovation. A great evening of brass and solidarity!

New Band Chair

We are excited to welcome Alister Talbot as the new Chairman of the Shepherd Group Brass Band Organisation!

“I am delighted to have taken over the role as Chairman of the organisation. I have been involved with the band for 7 years as Solo Baritone until August of 2021.I have always been incredibly proud of everything our bands do both at a local and national level, and have already been leading the committee in planning our vision for the organisation moving forward……”

Band Chair Recovering Well

25th February 2021

SGBB are thrilled to be able to share with you news about our band Chairman, Mr David Gregg.

David has, for quite some time, been waiting for a kidney transplant and last Friday this took place at St James hospital in Leeds.

A search for a suitable donor was finally ended when, by a remarkable coincidence, David’s partner, Pauline was found to be the perfect match to be a donor.

We are so pleased to be able to report that the operations were a complete success and both David and Pauline are recovering well.

Pauline came home from hospital the day after the operation and David is due home today.

The whole band organisation send love and best wishes to both of them and hope to see them very soon.

David cannot wait to get back to rehearsing with his band and planning for the year ahead.

Passing of former percussionist Martin Harvey

19th February 2021

The band was saddened to learn of the passing of former percussionist Martin Harvey, a nicer gentleman could not be found and our thoughts go out to Martin’s family. Members past and present who played in the band with Martin have shared memories and joined in sending condolences for such a genuine and lovely bandsman. Our thoughts and prayers at this time are with Martin’s family and friends.