Vacancies – BBb Bass

Following a number of signings over the past months, the band now welcomes applications for a BB Bass player to join our strong Bass Section.

We have a number of excellent Concerts planned for 2024 and beyond including another live performance of The Snowman.

What we have to offer:

  • Championship level banding 
  • Great concert-contest balance 
  • Fun contemporary music and the latest arrangements
  • Some of the best rehearsal facilities in the country
  • One of the largest banding organisations around, as recently featured in the British Bandsman 
  • A busy and lively social scene
  • Spring Festival Senior Cup, Blackpool 

The band practices on Tuesday and Friday evenings in York – however, our members travel from all over Yorkshire so lifts could most likely be arranged. 

For anymore information or an informal, confidential chat about the position, please contact Our MD Richard Wilton on 07973442249, 

Alternatively, feel free to message us directly through the bands Facebook page. 🎺🎼🎺

Please get in touch with Richard Wilton for further details.

Sponsor a mile to Disneyland

Next year, we are taking the Youth Band over to Disneyland Paris where they will represent us on the mains stage there in concert. This is a unique opportunity for our young players but is something we need your help in raising funds for.

It is 507 miles from the band room to the park, this makes a round trip of 1014 miles. Could you help the band out by sponsoring a mile? If you can help, then please click on the donate button below.

Happy Birthday Richard!

The Shepherd Group Bands came together to surprise the Senior Band MD Richard Wilton for his 50th birthday this week. On one of the few nights Richard was not in the band room, he was at home relaxing only to hear a band playing Slaidburn; not something you expect to hear in a corner of York just after tea.

Imagine these guys marching along your street!

Players from the Academy Band, Youth Band and Concert Band joined players from the Senior band to march down Richard’s street and then serenade him with Happy Birthday and Congratulations. neighbours all came out to watch and Nicola had prepared cupcakes which all the player enjoyed.

When Richard came to the band originally, he had a 5 year plan in mind, now over 12 years later the plan has grown, we have seen the introduction of the Youth band and the Senior Band have progressed to the Championship Section and are competing in the Senior Cup. All the players really appreciate the efforts Richard has put into the band and I’m sure the turnout for his birthday demonstrates that.

Happy Birthday Boss.

Happy Birthday Richard!

The Snowman Live!

Snowman Poster

If you were at the Christmas Concerts last year, you will remember the announcement that the band would be performing a live soundtrack along with the whole film of The Snowman. The classic Christmas story by Raymond Briggs.

Everything is in place for this now and there will be 2 performances taking place on December 10th 2022 at St Andrews Church Bishopthorpe, the first at 2pm and then a further performance at 6pm.

Do get your tickets ordered early, this is going to be a great experience for familes as well as for the band. The tickets can be bought from Eventbrite usung the following links

2 pm Performance

6pm Performance

Imogen shines in Taunton

At the recent National Youth Brass Band course held in Taunton, our Solo Baritone player Imogen Fewster participated in the prestigious Harry Mortimer solo competition. This sees all the section winners of the Katie Ogden solo competition held in the spring course compete against each other. As you will appreciate this is a competition held between players who really are at the top of their game.

Imogen chose to play the Baritone Concerto by Martin Ellerby, a fiendishly difficult piece that demonstrates just how good a player we have in the band. Sadly she missed out on the top spot in the contest, but you will agree this is a stunning performance.

Imogen was once again successful in her audition for the solo baritone seat in the NYBBGB in what is the band’s 70th anniversary year. During the course the band worked with renowned trumpeter Louis Dowdeswell and performed the premiere of a specially commissioned piece, Hyperlink from the pen of Peter Graham. Hyperlink will be the test piece for the forthcoming National Championships held at the Albert Hall in October

Imogen with the other principal players at the NYBBGB Summer 2022 course

Helping save lives in Acomb

After lockdown, the bands were only able to hold small rehearsals in our normal site and had to look for venues where they could hold more players. The Church of the Holy Redeemer on Boroughbridge Road stepped in and allowed us to use their church and church hall. When we discovered that they were looking to purchase a Community Public Access Defibrillator, the band returned the favour and put on a concert in the church as part of the fundraising efforts.

We are pleased to see that the Church has now been able to fund the deployment of the defibrillator and it is now available for use. It can be seen from the busy Boroughbridge Road and has been registered with Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS), meaning that any member of the public can access it, by calling 999 for instructions. The dispatcher will direct you to the defibrillator and will give you the key code for the cabinet. These are simple devices to operate and have voice instructions guiding you through how to use them. They are designed to be used by anyone and require no specialist medical training to use.

The fundraising efforts behind this defibrillator included our Senior Band and the Spirit of Harmony Men’s Barbershop Chorus. There was also help from the Pavers Foundation and Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity.

Rev. Simon Biddlestone, Vicar of The Church of the Holy Redeemer expressed his thanks to all those who had helped with the purchase and installation of the defibrillator, saying : “I’m delighted that there is now a defibrillator here. It’s good news for the whole community as anybody can use it. We hope that it never needs to be used, but if it does it could save someone’s life.”

The other sponsors for the defibrillator are:

Have you ever thought what you would do if you came across someone who had a cardiac arrest? Yorkshire Ambulance Service have produced a video that tells you exactly what to do.

Christmas Concert Tickets on sale

Tickets for the Christmas Gala Concerts at the Joseph Rowntree Theatre will be on sale from the Joseph Rowntree Theatre box office from August 8th.

Don’t miss out on your chance to see this annual treat. We see every band in the organisation presenting their contributions for Christmas. How will the concert be rounded off this year? You are going to have to wait and see.

Vacancies – Solo Cornet


The Shepherd Group Brass Band are seeking an experienced SOLO CORNET PLAYER to join our cornet section.

What we have to offer:

  • Championship level banding
  • Great concert-contest balance
  • Fun contemporary music and the latest arrangements
  • Some of the best rehearsal facilities in the country
  • One of the largest banding organisations around, as recently featured in the British Bandsman
  • A busy and lively social scene
  • Spring Festival Senior Cup, Blackpool

The band practices on Tuesday and Friday evenings in York – however, our members travel from all over Yorkshire so lifts could most likely be arranged.

For anymore information or an informal, confidential chat about the position, please contact Our MD Richard Wilton on 07973442249,

Alternatively Feel free to message us directly through the bands Facebook page. 🎺🎼🎺

Concert Band rocks Regents Park

An image of the band on Regents Park Bandstand
Regents Park Bandstand

Wow, what a fantastic weekend for the Shepherd Group Concert Brass Band!

After an early Saturday morning start the band travelled down to Hemel Hempstead for their first concert of the weekend. The band performed on the Rainbow stage, a purpose built performance area in the middle of Hemel Town centre.

Crowds watching the Concert Band on the Rainbow Stage in Hemel Mepstead
The Band in Hemel Hempstead

Day two, we set off for Regent’s Park for the main event, our Concert in the Royal Park. With the sun shining and already a large crowd gathering, possibly in anticipation of a Yorkshire brass band.

People watching the Concert Band in Regents Park
An appreciative crowd

I think it’s only fair to say that the Concert that the band gave that afternoon was one that will live in the memory of the players for a long, long time. The playing was superb, the atmosphere within the band was unbelievable and the crowd reaction was described, by a park employee, as “quite incredible, never seen a reaction to a brass band like this one”. So, after the final notes of Sweet Caroline had drifted over the nearby lake, the band headed back to York. They showed just what the Shepherd Group of bands are all about and I’m sure, made many friends in both Hemel and Regents Park. A stellar weekend.

Mike and the CB on the Regents Park Bandstand
All ready to entertain.